Apr 30, 2014

Memorandum to the election comissioner Mr VS Sampath

Elections in a democracy ought to be a kind of national festival. I wished to give some joy to my old mother by making her take part in the elections. But the callous attitude of the electoral staff has deprived her of the feeling of being a proud citizen of the nation. My mother's voter card number is HGH2241248. Her name was excluded from the voter's list without any valid reason. The election comission's Android app didnot show her records but they didnot show my record aswell although my name was there in the list (My voter card No is HGH2242816). Since the Android app did not show anyone's name, I thought it to be semi functional as most of the things of our system usually are. From the booth I was directed to the office of Ms Apneet Riyat (SDM Jagraon). She talked to the DC Ludhiana and informed me that she was helpless. She directed me to complain to the electoral office Chandigarh. I contacted Electoral office Chandigarh via landline numbers 0172-2724037 and 0172-2704779. From there I was directed to the mobile phone number of Sh Harpal Singh(9872659437). He said that nothing could be done. From him I got the number of additional chief electoral officer Punjab(Sh Raminder Singh IAS ;mobile no 9417604198). He said that he could not help either. On being asked the contact details of his senior, he asked me to check from the web site of the election comission of India or from tel no. 1950. I checked the website and found scores of numbers written there. I contacted the main number of Nirvachan Sadan but could not get any response. I had no option but to give up my chase. Most humbly and with due respect I wish to say that the fundamental right of a senior citizen who is suffering from cancer has been trampled by the callous attitude of the electoral staff.
Kamaljit Singh Gill

Apr 27, 2014

Whatsapp is replacing conventional media in Jagraon

The pressing of a button on the voting machine on 30th April would create news. It would remain preserved for a fortnight or so. After that there would be a mega news explosion which is quite likely to leave the whole nation in a state of orgasm. One thing that has definitely emerged stronger out of this political festival is the social media like Whatsapp. This smartphone application along with facebook is greatly responsible for changing the tide of the politics in Punjab. In merely two months the political equation of Ludhiana has changed beyond imagination. It has particularly worked in favour of the Aam Admi Party. But some messages are downright vulgar. Some religious fundamenalists are also spoiling the show. The party leaders must instruct their workers to refrain from posting matter pertaining to religious fundamentalism, personal lives of leaders or vulgarity. Such hate messages and slander campaigns harm the same very leader who is being canvassed.

Apr 18, 2014

Left wing approach vs right wing approach

Leftist movements like Maoism or Nexalism take birth when there develops a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The rich refuse to share anything with the poor. Once the leftists take over the stage, there occurs widescale violence and plundering whereby the rich tend to lose almost everything. Guru Nanak's principle of sharing food prevents extreme left like conditions (seen in states like West Bengal and Jharkhand) to develop. The 'atta dal' scheme for the poor started by the Punjab government, as such, is not a bad idea. However, If such benefit is given permanently, the poor people might tend to procreate at a faster rate and hence the situation might not change at all or may worsen even further. Also such offerings can make the population unduely lazy and hence unfit for survival. Therefore the best option for any government is to lay more focus on quality education and creating job opportunities rather than providing 'atta dal' at throw away prices to the poor section of the society. Aam Admi Party is flexibile regarding its ideology.
Right wing parties are those which support the rich whereas the left wing parties favour the labour class. The main stream parties adopt a midway approach. Aam Admi Party, as claimed by its leaders is not married to any ideology. They say 'If we find solution from the left, we would go for it and also if we find it from right we would seek it with equal interest.'

Apr 16, 2014

Whatsapp washing the dirt of the politicians

There are two types of people in my town. First are those who use WhatsApp messaging services and the second are those who can't use it for one reason or the other. The second group consists mainly of old people, computer illiterates and small children. There is a wide gap between the people of these two groups. While the Whatsapp smart can bring revolutions with their finger tips, the Whatsapp ignorant can only gape with astonishment the fast changes occurring around them. The most recent example is the Lok Sabha elections of 2014. The traditional leaders were unaware of the power of Whatsapp till now and perhaps, they would learn it in a hard way by losing vote count. At the same time it has been found that while venting out their emotions people often resort to slandering and propogating hate messages. It is well known that slander campaigns and ugly jokes often turnout to be beneficial for those against whom they are targetted. It is because such hatred and slander generates a sympathy wave. Social media can yield positive results only if there are healthy discussions. No accusation ought to be made withot substantial base. Their is a belief in my country that a slanderer virtually washes the clothes of the person whom he slanders (Nindak hamre kapre thove- Kabir). May be it is due to this very reason that the politicians are dressed in such sparkling white clothes!

Apr 13, 2014

Impressive road show by AamAdmi Party at Ludhiana

All the party workers gathered at Jagraon office. First we went through the main roads of Jagraon on motorcycles shouting party slogans. Then we started for Ludhiana. There was a massive crowd at Ludhiana to have a glimpse of
Arvind Kejriwal. From our
vehicles we waved at the
Ludhianvis seeking support
from them and as a pleasant
surprise ninty nine percent of them waved back asuaring full support for the Aam Admi Party. The road show was remarkable indeed. The brief
speech of Arvind Kejriwal
struck cord with the crowd.
He has certainly become an
undisputed leader of the

Apr 8, 2014

Youth of Sherpura Khurd Pledge support to Aam Admi Party

Visited Sherpura Khurd with Baba Nand and another party worker. It was a religious function and most of the eminent villagers were present in the house of Sardar Saudagar Singh Garewal. The gathering at that place received us with affection that is shown only to the family members. The visit was indeed very satisfactory as the youth have pledged their support to us. Back at the election office met Sardar Gurbinder Singh Kang and Yuvi Phoolka (cousin and nephew of Sardar HS Phoolka). Found them very gentle and down to earth.

Apr 6, 2014

The awe inspiring ribbon of Aam Admi Party

The ribbon of AAM ADMI party that we wear around the turban or the forehead is awe inspiring. We went to a social function and met some eminent personalities. Men shook hands with us with a lot of enthusiasm. We were four party workers including Jasmail Singh Sidhu of Rasulpur (Puppa Rasulpuri), Waheguru Pal Singh and Numberdar of Malha village. We were overwhelmed as well as humbled by the respect, attention and affection of the crowd. The credit goes to the ribbon of the Aam Admi Party.
Tireless Party worker Jasmail Singh Sidhu  (Puppa Rasoolpuri) wears the adorable ribbon of the Aam Admi Party