Dec 11, 2014

What is Gut power?

A powerful digestive apparatus or a strong gut power is the key to physical well being. All the energy we need comes from the food we eat and all the food that we eat has to be digested before using its energy. As per the advice of the health experts a few tips for improving the gut power are as follows

1 Maintaining correct PH value of the stomach. In other words one needs to get rid of the  acidity problem. Recently I saw a video of Rajiv Dixit on the Youtube that suggested a simple remedy for that. Drinking water after one and a half hour after the meals and forty eight minutes before it cures acidity. It may appear strange but that works. Water just after the meals does a lot of harm. But a person who does a lot of physical activity can have water one hour after the meals instead of one and a half hour as his metabolic rate is faster.

2 Cutting on tea, coffee and corrosive food improves digestive health.

3 Eating moderately during the meals ensures sound health.

4, Having a balanced, fibre rich and well cooked meal keeps the system smiling and the body flexible.

5 Avoiding a talk during eating improves the digestive health.

When we say that a person has guts, it really means that all his system and particularly his digestive system is in perfect tune. That in turn gives immense courage and power.