Aug 24, 2010

One earns a lot of vices by ego inflation due to caste

Guruji says 'jaat ka garb na keeje moorakh gavaara is garaab te
khatiye bahut vikara'(Take not pride in your caste o fool one earns a
lot of vices due to this pride.Many Punjabi singers placed their caste
above Sikhi.Perhaps the Jatts started it.Now others are also not
lagging behind.

May be it a healthy competition.Good or bad?????
Satnam Wahaguru

Aug 22, 2010

Stooping morality

'Par triya roop na pekhe netar'Sukhmani Sahib(sees not the beauty of
another's woman)
Seeing not the curves of anothers wife is a high moral.Since long I have
been hearing about wall jumping(kandhan tapna)for sex from my
students.It is horrifying.Some of my students claimed themself to be wall
jumpers and the problems they felt in their adventure.Such stories can
well create a sore in the ears due to their acidic nature.Due to
mobile phones wall jumping increased manifold as per my students.We
have agricultural land in Punjab but we remained outside
Punjab(Mumbai,N Delhi,NOIDA)till 1999.Untill then I could not even
imagine what is, perhaps, actually happening and becoming so frequent
in Punjab
Who is at fault in this case?What should have any true Sikh
done?Anyhow it all gives a vomit like sensation.
There may be several factors behind this menace
1-Arousal due to porne matter in mobiles or elsewhere
2-Boys gifting mobile sets to their girlfriends
3-Marriage age going a bit too farther.
4-Sikh values diminishing
'Kam Krodh nagar boh bariya'(World is full of lust and anger).
Satnam Waheguru