Internet is commonly referred to as 'Vitual World'. May be in the initial days a ripple created on the world wide web of computers had little effect on the real life. But that isn't anymore. A minister in the previous government lost his office due to a tweet on a social networking site. A senior official of the cricket association also met the same fate due to similar reasons. It can make a person feel good just as it can cause a heart-break. Now that even money can be exchanged, food, grocery and services be bought, the virtual world has almost merged with the real world.
Internet has immense untapped potential. In India there can be a revolution if the Adharcard number, the bank account number, the telephone number and the passport number get merged into one. Further, if the currency becomes digital in place of the paper money and all the transactions are made to take place through phone, the crime rate could dwindle along with solving all the issues related to black money.
Perhaps, the politicians would be among the first to get effected by the monetary reforms. They may not easily allow such a transformation to take place.