The retired top cop Kiran Bedi readily believes the media regarding the exit polls of Lok Sabha 2014. She calls secular people sick in her tweet. She had been an idol for countless Indian girls. When I went to her residence at 10 Talkatara road N Delhi to see some office equipment of my company some time in ninteen ninties, I found her very down to earth and simple. She called at my residence for some problem with the equipment and had also given her visiting card. These were treasured moments for an ordinary person like me. The nation looked upon her as a leader during Anna Hazare movement. Arvind Kejriwal called her elder sister and offered her to be the CM candidate for Aam Admi Party in 2013 assembly elections. But her inclinations towards a mosque demolishing political party and calling secular as sick does not behove her otherwise awe inspiring image of a wonderful personality respected by people across all religions in India and abroad.
May 14, 2014
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