Crude Survival Index is a simple formula developed by me.It provides a rough idea how life would be in a foreign country.It is meant to help the people who wish to migrate to the foreign lands from Punjab.It goes like this.CSI(crude survival index) of a country is the number of Samosas a person can purchase by the earnings of a single day and that number should be divided by 3 if it is not a his home country.It is because accomodation etc in a foreign country saps away a significant amount of earnings.Let us suppose the price of plain Samosa(fresh and hot) in Southhal (London)is 1pound.If a Punjabi clerk earns 80 pounds in a day in London then he can buy 80 Samosas and hence his CSI in Southall is 80 divided by 3 which is slightly more than 26.In Jagraon a plain Samosa from the best shop is for Rs6.A Clerk in Jagraon may easily earn Rs 200 in a day and hence his CSI is little above 33.This number need not be divided by 3 as it is assumed that he is a local.This tells that he would be a loser if he migrates to London.
I chose Samosa for the calculations because it involves manual labour as well as the material used.In many countries manual work is comparitavely costlier.
Satnam Waheguru.