phone.Twitter is a site which is quite suitable for the working
people.Orkut charms the youth and the children who have ample free
time.I follow HT Sikhnet and a few more people on twitter.I do not
know how to use it fully but I know the following things about it-
1-You should enter a few words after you sign in. It is some thing
like what you are doing or post a link to any of your recent blog
enteries.Keep seeing the tweets till you reach your previous tweet.
2-You are close to the people whom you wish to be close to without
even causing any disturbance.
Best way to blog
At blogspot,we can start a blog.By going to the settings we can
get a secret email address.We can always punch a few lines based on
our feelings and post it to our blog site by sending an email to the
secret email address.The link of this post can be tweeted after that.
And all this from a mobile phone.
Sent from my mobile device