Feb 25, 2010


Ulamba is a Punjabi word.It is a gentleman's way of lodging a
complaint.It is supposedly unloaded on the receiver's head.It is
delivered just like passing of load from one person to the other.When
I was small scene such as this was quite common.
A lady enters your house. You ask her to sit. She refuses.She says she
has come to give Ulamba.She delivers and places Ulamba on your head
and walks away feeling light at head and heart.The Ulamba could be
regarding a child of your house troubling them.
In Gurbani this word is mentioned as Ulahna.'Ulahno maein kahoon na
deeyo.man meeth tuharo keeyo'(I do not blame anybody.Sweet is what you
do).In SGGS there is a bani'titled Ulahanya.The theme of this Bani is
yet to be sought by me.